A mystery drama about an antisocial teenage girl who turns detective to try to find out who in her small coastal town manipulated her best friend and leaked her naked photos online.
Part coming of age story, part mystery drama about the struggles of being a teenage girl, mental illness and the untapped power, anger and potential of young women.
Semi Finalist in Blue Cat’s Hour Pilot Screenplay Competition, shortlisted for Thousand Films Scriptwriting competition and top 5% in BBC Writersroom Drama Script Callout.
Feedback on Nudes from Blue Cat Script Analysis:
“The reader is drawn into the script immediately by the dramatic unanswered question at the start of act one: “what happened between Lily and Martha?” The writer does one of the most important things a pilot can: get the reader invested in the script immediately.
The writer has a truly great knowledge of TV drama structure. The end of act one feels like a real act out… the writer knows that the next act has to start on a new bit of information for the reader…The kids in this script talk like actual kids. Their behavior and dialogue feels like real people, not fully grown adults that happen to be teenagers. That being said, each of the kids feels smart and knowledgeable.”